Thursday, May 7, 2009

OK, So pretty much all my friends have a blog and they look fun so i decided i would start one! Shawn and I are now living in Lehi..We like it alot there but it does get boring sometimes! Oakley is getting so big and has learned how to sit up and almost has crawling down! She knows how to crawl back words and she scoots around the house. Its quite a pain! Every time i look over at her she is some where new and getting into something she is not supposed to! She is so cute i cant believe how big she has gotten..Next thing i know i feel like I'm going to have to drop her off at junior high! I'm so glad that she is doing well....I cant wait until she is walking all around the house and yelling mommy.....daddy!

Oakleys First Dinner
So first off Oakleys doctor told me TWO MONTHS ago to start feeding her more solid food and that she would be able to eat baby food now. So, the day i got home from the doctor i was so excited to feed and made her some squash and some rice cereal and i was thrilled to give it to her! So i sit her down in her bumbo chair and put on her bib and i give her the first bite and she spits it right back out at me! i tried again...she still spit it right out at me. It was really frustrating the first time and then i just gave up. So i called her doctor and he said that little babies do that often until they are ready to eat. He said to just try it once a week until she actually eats the food. So, i tried EVERY week and she was still not eating it! She would spit it back out at me or she would make her guuuu noise and spit it all over me. It would make me so mad every time i would try! So two nights ago i decided to try again after giving up for a i made her a little bit of food and then i set her in her seat and low and behold....she ate it! She loved it! I fed her everything i made and had to make her some more! I was so happy. She looks so cute when she eats out of her little spoon. So now that i feed her every night the fun kind of wore off but it is still awesome to be able to have a family dinner and she can eat with us!
Shawns 21st Birthday
Shawn just had his 21st birthday! It was so much fun. We woke up and went hung out together for a while before going to lunch and they sung him happy birthday! It was so much fun...For his birthday we went to the jazz game! We went to gateway and walked around and shopped a couple hours before the game started. We also went to dinner with our friends and just hung out. The jazz game was fun because it was a playoff that the jazz actually won! It was a really fun night over all and I'm super glad that i got to spend it with him.

21 Things i LOVE about Shawn:
  1. He is the greatest guy and hubby in the world!
  2. He takes the best care of Oakley and Me!
  3. Whenever i am sad or down he always knows how to make me happy again.
  4. He always makes me smile!
  5. No matter what we are doing together he always makes it fun.
  6. He is a great cook! mmmm.
  7. He is an awesome dad!
  8. I love the way he looks at me when he knows he is in trouble...haha
  9. I love the way he kisses me.
  10. He always treats me like a princess.
  11. I love that we can always be ourselves around each other.
  12. He supports me in everything and anything i want to do.
  13. I love that we both want a successful future.
  14. I love that we have all the same important views on parenting
  15. He has a great style..super hot!
  16. He is really creative and always has really smart ideas.
  17. He is so funny and can always make me laugh.
  18. I love what a strong person he is. He has been through so much with me and he is still holding his head up high.
  19. He has the best personality!
  20. I love how he always stays positive and is a great influence.
  21. I love all the silly things he does....I couldn't ask for anything more!